Strong performance for Dressuurstal Verwimp at CDN Turnhout!

At the CDN in Turnhout, our riders managed to win several podium places in different age categories and levels. An overview of the highlights:

Jorinde Verwimp finished in a great 2nd place with Baileys Krack v/h Klaverhof in the 4-year-olds with a score of 76.6%.

  • Ruut Pasgang rode Power Black VK to a 3rd place in the 5-year-olds, good for 78.6%.
  • With Tap Dancer van het Genelaar, Jorinde Verwimp also came 2nd in the 6-year-olds with 74%.
  • Ruut Pasgang and Virano achieved 3rd place in the 7-year-olds, with a score of 72.368%.
  • Eline Borrey de Coninck came 2nd in the Intermediaire B with Haressel, good for 64.122%.
  • In the Inter I, Eline Borrey de Coninck and Dollars secured 3rd place with 70.221%. Olga Slascheva and Forest Hill together achieved a strong score of 69.265% here .
  • In the Prix St. Georges, Jorinde Verwimp with My Dream vh Aegroschot took 3rd place, with 68.824%.
  • Finally, Wim Verwimp with Jedai de Massa achieved a great 2nd place in the Grand Prix, with71.359%.

We proudly look back on a successful weekend in Turnhout and congratulate all our riders on these great performances!

Photo credits: DigiShots

Elise Verwimp, Eline Borrey de Coninck andTom Franckx take the win in Geel!

What a fantastic Sunday it was in Geel! Elise Verwimp and Just A Little Bit Krack v/h Klaverhof took first place in the Junior Team Test with 68.182%!

The success continued in the Inter I, where Eline Borrey de Coninck and Dollars managed to take gold with a score of 69.192%!

Jorinde Verwimp missed out on a podium place in the PSG by just 0.073%. A few small mistakes pushed her and My Dream v/h Aegroschot’s score down, but they still scored a neat 67.280%.

The win in the PSG still went to Dressuurstal Verwimp: Tom Franckx and Petit Peau vh Bloemenhof took first place with a score of 69.559%!

We proudly look back on last weekend and would like to congratulate our riders on their wonderful results!

What a wonderful weekend at CDI Lier!

Not only the weather made for a wonderful start to March, but also the performances of our team made this weekend unforgettable. Dressage stable Verwimp was fully represented, from the Junior Individual to the Grand Prix Freestyle to music.

In the Junior Individual, Elise Verwimp put down a strong test with Just a little bit Krack vh Klaverhof. In the Inter I, Jorinde Verwimp appeared with Rubis Rose, Kris Schepkens with Rose Jolie and Olga Slascheva with Forest Hill, while in the PSG they were joined by Veronique Philippaerts-Engelen with Golddream vd Kempenhoeve.

The Grand Prix was represented by Wim Verwimp with Jedai de Massa, who had an impressive weekend. In the Grand Prix they scored a stunning 69.065%, but the highlight followed in the Freestyle to music, where they achieved an amazing 73.510%!

Our team was also strongly represented in the Freestyle to music, with Jorinde Verwimp and Vicomte de Reyves and Veronique Philippaerts-Engelen with Golddream vd Kempenhoeve in the Inter I Freestyle.

A fantastic weekend full of great performances and strong combinations! We are extremely proud of our team and look forward to the next competitions.

Photo: DigiShots

Top performance at CDN Dentergem!

What a great day for Jorinde Verwimp yesterday at the CDN Dentergem:

  • Inter I: 1st place with Rubis Rose, 70,147%
  • PSG: 1st place with No Surrender, 68.530%
  • PSG:2nd place with My Dream vh Aogroschot, 67.794%.

Besides Jorinde, Olga Slasheva also competed on behalf of Dressuurstal Verwimp in the Inter I: Together with Forest Hill, they managed to secure fourth place with a score of 68.383%!

We congratulate Jorinde and Olga with these great victories!

Dressage stable Verwimp scores at CDN Geel!

Last weekend Dressuurstal Verwimp was well represented at the CDN Geel and with success! Several combinations showed strong performances in various classes.

In the Inter I, Jorinde Verwimp rode Rubis Rose to a beautiful score of 68.309%, good for fifth place. In the PSG, she also managed to put down a solid test with No Surrender.

In the PSG there was also success for Veronique Philippaerts-Engelen with Golddream Vd Kempenhoeve . They rode a strong class and scored a handsome 68.677%, good for third place.

Eline Borrey de Coninck managed to win the Inter II with Haressel, scoring 67.280%.

Dressuurstal Verwimp was also well represented in the Grand Prix. Wim Verwimp and Jedai de Massa rode a rock-solid test and scored a handsome 70.815%, which earned them second place. Jorinde Verwimp appeared in the same class with River Rise Benetton and scored 65.054%.

At level 4, Ruut Pasgang managed to grab victory with Virano with a nice 69.015%.

Finally, Elise Verwimp came second in the Junior Team Test with Just a Little Bit Krack v/h Klaverhof thanks to a score of 67.122%.

We look back on a successful weekend with much pride and pleasure!

Wim Verwimp second in national Grand Prix with Jedi de Massa

Afgelopen weekend reed Wim Verwimp Jedi de Massa in de Nationale Grand Prix van CDN Bilzen. Hij behaalde een nette 2de plaats met een score van 69,946%. Wim over Jedi: “Jedi liep heel fijn, hij was een klein beetje kijkerig maar heeft tijdens dit concours weer extra vertrouwen opgebouwd dus dat was heel goed. Ik ben blij met het resultaat van dit weekend.”

Olga Slascheva reed dit weekend de eerste keer nationaal in de Intermediaire I. Zij behaalde een nette 4de plaats met Forrest Hill met een score van 67,279%. Veronique Engelen reed met Gold Dream van de Kempenhoeven in dezelfde rubriek en werd 5de met een score van 66,544%

Al met al aan fijn weekend voor deze ruiters!

Jorinde Verwimp and Charmer shine at Jumping Amsterdam!

Last Friday, the duo rode the Grand Prix of the Dressage World Cup at Jumping Amsterdam and achieved a score of 68.109%.

Jorinde Verwimp: ‘We are happy that we can ride this kind of competition and build up our routine together again!

Looking back with Jorinde Verwimp at the CDN Dentergem

‘Last weekend I rode the Inter 1 with Golddream van de Kempenhoeve. Although he got a bit tense because of an angle, which led to a fault in the first part of our test, we still managed to get a neat score of 68.1%.

With River Rise Benetton I got to ride the Grand Prix and I immediately saw improvement compared to last time. Unfortunately, two expensive mistakes caused our score to be 65.5%. Nevertheless, I look back gratefully on this Grand Prix and the progress we made together!’

A powerful end to 2024 for Jorinde Verwimp and Charmer!

The year ended in style with the World Cup Dressage at Jumping Mechelen, the sixth of a total of eleven rounds for the World Cup.

After a competition break, Charmer showed that he is back and with a nice score of 74.340%, Jorinde looks back on the competition with satisfaction:

‘In both tests there were still some mistakes and points for improvement, but his piaffe was greatly improved. This makes me very happy and so I look back positively on this closing of the year.’

We are proud to see Charmer in action again and look forward with anticipation to the performances in the new year.

Wim Verwimp and Jedai de Massa win second place in Turnhout!

What a great weekend for Dressage Stable Verwimp at the CDN Turnhout! Wim Verwimp and his talented Jedai de Massa shone in the Grand Prix and took home the silver with an impressive score of 70.489%!

Jorinde also rode a strong Grand Prix with River Rise Benetton. They achieved a score of 65.055%; a special result as it was only his second Grand Prix and the gelding showed some tension.

In the PSG, Jorinde put in a great performance with My Dream van het Aegroschot. Despite the 7-year-old mare’s nerves, they achieved a great fourth place with a score of 67.5%!

We are very proud and want to congratulate Wim and Jorinde with these great results!