Elise Verwimp, Eline Borrey de Coninck andTom Franckx take the win in Geel!
What a fantastic Sunday it was in Geel! Elise Verwimp and Just A Little Bit Krack v/h Klaverhof took first place in the Junior Team Test with 68.182%!
The success continued in the Inter I, where Eline Borrey de Coninck and Dollars managed to take gold with a score of 69.192%!
Jorinde Verwimp missed out on a podium place in the PSG by just 0.073%. A few small mistakes pushed her and My Dream v/h Aegroschot’s score down, but they still scored a neat 67.280%.
The win in the PSG still went to Dressuurstal Verwimp: Tom Franckx and Petit Peau vh Bloemenhof took first place with a score of 69.559%!
We proudly look back on last weekend and would like to congratulate our riders on their wonderful results!